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"The Treasure Trove Within"

Conscious Communication: bringing communication up from "auto-pilot" and reactive, to thoughtful, responsive, and above all, intentional.


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(in 10 minutes a day)

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The Treasure Trove Within
(click for podcast on Soundcloud 6:40)

I’d like to get in front of a misleading trend causing needless stress. There are countless gurus standing up and telling us to "be like me, do as I say," as they are "successful, have all the answers," and so on. The truth is, that what may work for me, may not work for you. We're not the same people. If everyone was like Dr. Phil, Tony Robbins, or Oprah, then doing exactly what they say and modeling your way of being in the world after them would make sense. But even those three people are so different, who do you listen to?  They're telling you to do different things.

What's even worse is how much we beat ourselves up for failing to succeed when we're trying to model someone else. Give yourself a break. That game’s rigged! You'll never out-do someone else at being them, and you at your best will be far more successful than any version of someone else you're trying to be.
Your own style can be very different than any stereotype of a "successful" person, and that difference is exactly what can take you to real success. You have both vices and virtues that make up your world-view, your perspective, and how you function in the world. You can use the tools you have to Optimize your Results, rather than chasing after someone else's path.
Coaching is a great way to work on self-improvement, but the same traps can be found here as well. You may have issues with accountability, goal-setting, and prioritizing or not. Depending upon your worldview, your issues could be completely different, which would have you working on what isn't blocking you, and not working on what is.
What will help you is identifying your best virtues and how to concentrate on bringing those to the forefront, while identifying your vices, and how to use them as well. Yes, you can actually use your vices, when they’re lifted from unconscious compulsions to conscious choices.
The Real You Behind The Mask
Behind that mask that you put on; the "game face," protecting yourself from feeling vulnerable, is the you who has real dreams, hopes, fears and aspirations. That’s an exciting person worth paying attention to. Try to put aside everything you've been told about not being who you need to be. You’re exactly who you need to be. The only thing potentially holding you back is not knowing what your resources are, or maybe how to access them yet.
Matching Your Innate Skills to the Task at Hand

We all have certain innate skills born of our world-view or perspective, and when we match them to our tasks, we have more resources to use. Here are a few examples of world-views and how they can offer you the tools you need:
 Do you find that you’re somewhat obsessive about things being done right? Does this go along with a sense of ethical righteousness that irks you when others don't pull their weight? This world-view goes hand-in-hand with an uncanny ability to organize information. Do you see how this could be the best resource to bring to certain tasks?
 Do you care deeply about others being taken care of, or achieving their potential? Does this go along with a sense of being able to empathically read their needs? Do you see how Nordstrom's and Mary Kay used this attribute to achieve success?
 Are you competitive, goal-oriented, linear, people-oriented, and busy? Does this go along with a sense of impatience, drive, and wanting to look good? Do you see how these traits worked for people like Tony Robbins and Oprah?
 How about those of you who can always see how something won't work? You test, you challenge, you question everything. Do you see how problem-solving or safety issues could benefit from your inherent skills and how you perceive the world around you?
 Being yourself and using your own inherent skills will always take you further than copying someone else's way. Plus, when you do succeed, you'll know it was really you who did it!
 Understanding the nuances of these types and the amazing applications that are yours for the taking was the basis for Optimized Results creating multiple tailored coaching programs. Each type or worldview needs their own approach to achieving their own best results. You need the key to your own Treasure Trove; the Treasure Trove Within.

If you want to reach higher altitudes; catapulting your communication and relationship skills, give me a call or
email me. We can design a tailored program to fit your needs and desired outcomes. There's no limit to how high you can fly.

     - Ian J. Blei


Special Offer - Holiday Specials


Abundance!! Dynamic Discovery Sessions, Laser Coaching Single Sessions AND "Kind Ambition" are all on sale this month.

Click to Schedule.

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Call, email or check out the website; always something cool going on.

Ian gave me the guidance and mentor-ship that I needed to really grow and advance within my company. Long story short I was promoted twice quite quickly after working with Ian and have the tools needed to grow and manage my ever expanding team. I highly recommend Ian to anyone looking for personal and professional growth!
- D.D: Regional Sales Director, West-USA

If you're looking for the best you but having trouble finding him/her, have a conversation with Ian and you'll see a light of possibilities." - Dr. A.P., San Francisco, CA



Quick Communication Tip:
Inclusive Language

One of the results of having such different worldviews and perspectives, is that we actually have different languages as well. We use different imagery, metaphors, pacing, and most important of all: different organizational motifs.

Making a decision about something, whether it's a purchase or deciding to take an action comes from this organizational style we have. Although it can be divided up into nine completely different communication styles, you can simplify your approach by making sure you hit the three largest factions. People make these decisions based upon how it will affect their identity, their safety, or a sense of purpose or precedent (what happened before.) If you make sure to hit each of these in whatever you are trying to convey, you will connect with the bulk of your audience.

Want to learn more about how your communication can hold you back or catapult you forward?  Come visit the web site, or better yet, contact me and see how we can design a program to fit your needs and desired outcomes.


Ian J. Blei


Resource Links:


KG Stiles: "Conversations that Enlighten and Heal"
Ian Blei on Kind Ambition and the Integram (TM)

Kind Ambition - 2nd Edition


Welcome to the Conscious Communication Chronicle, sharing how Conscious Communication results in success, and how you can achieve yours.   Enjoy!



The Optimizer
Ian Blei,
Director of the
Institute for Integral Enneagram Studies and
President of
Optimized Results



Kind Ambition

Click HERE





Kind Ambition:
Practical Steps
to Achieve Success
 Without Losing Your Soul



Kind Ambition
Fan Page on



Kind Ambition is about you having the tools to slide over to the driver’s seat of your own life.  Circumstances will always be changing, seemingly thwarting our plans, but we don’t have to be  thrown around by them. You can be in charge of your choices and actions more than you might imagine - yet.


Kind Ambition is written for you, as a practical guide you can use right now.  It is a collection of  insights and actions designed to help you move forward and get more out of your life at home and at work.  The chapters hold to a formula of first giving you a new way to look at things, then offering you tangible Action Steps to try them out, and finally some things to notice when you do.





Kind words for “Kind Ambition”


"If you are interested in success, whether it is in running a large organization, a small business, or leading a satisfying life, you will find a right blend of rules, wisdom and wit in a digestible fashion that will serve to accomplish your objectives. The notion that kindness can be blended with ambition and made to work and serve the "bottom line" is enlightening, uplifting and satisfying."

-Steven Kiefel – CEO, Red Pill Media




“An easy to use guide for anyone who wants to achieve real  growth and success. His sensible and practical tactics solve age-old challenges with real, how-to solutions. Best of all, Ian lives his work!”

-Romanus Wolter - Author: Kick Start Your Dream Business
Success Coach Columnist: Entrepreneur Magazine
Radio Host: Syndicated Kick Start Guy Segment




" We all face obstacles in our lives and careers. Some of these come from within, subverting our conscious intentions. The  good news is: they can be overcome.  The techniques and processes found in this book will help you on your way."

-Margaret Heffernan – Author: The Naked Truth: A Working Woman's

 Manifesto on Business and What Really Matters

Syndicated Columnist: Fast Company Magazine




“A scientifically-based, spiritually-awake, (and smart and funny) guide to making the most of your life.  Ian Blei provides the know-how, the inspiration, the structure and all the tools you need in  this straightforward and inspirational book.”

     -Lisa Betts-LaCroix, Past President of SF Coaches
Star of Unapix film, “Dance Me Outside”




" Ian Blei shares his deep insights in simple and straightforward ways.  His work continues to inspire me whenever I feel I'm getting stuck in some area of my life."

-Roy King, III , Director Pacific Development Partners




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205 Chattanooga St.   San Francisco, CA 94114     415.826.0478