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"Ian Blei knows more about developing and maximizing personal effectiveness than anyone I know. He does it with brilliance and with heart.  I highly recommend his book!"

-Barbara Mark, Ph.D. Founder of Full Circle Institute

President of the International Association of Coaches

and creator of Cut to the Chase.






"…I was very impressed with how quickly and easily Ian helped us systemize our methods and simplify our work, eliminating barriers to growth…"

--Jeff Dorais, General Manager - Eva's Draperi






Please ask your question, and we'll send you a personal answer, as well as posting the Q&A to help others.


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As readers and clients ask questions over time, I'll post them with their answers on this page.


I hope that you'll find some clarification here, and of course, if you don't find what you're looking for, please contact me and ask.  I'll send you a personal answer, and post anonymously here to help others who share your question.


Just click on any question below (in blue) as they're linked to the answer.  Of course, you can (and I hope you will) just read these pages for your own enjoyment, as they touch on areas outside the realm of most Enneagram writings, and they're entirely real world centric.


What does the 26-week Transformation Course do, and why does it take so long?


It really seems like I could fall into just about any of the types.  How can I tell if I'm choosing the right one?


I can't tell if I'm a Two or a Nine.  They both seem to describe me.  How can I tell them apart?


I can't tell if I'm a Three or a Seven.  How can I tell them apart?


I thought my partner and I were so matched that we were the same type, but he's a Six and I'm a One.  How can we seem to be so much alike, and yet get caught up in arguments all the time?


I can't tell if I'm a Six or a One.  It feels like fear holding me back under stress, but when I feel secure, I want to do all kinds of things, not just kick back and relax.  Can you have a different Security Point than the one in the Enneagram?


It seems emotion often fuels my words.  Could I be a Seven with a bit of Four?


Why do you choose to use the Enneagram rather than Meyers-Briggs or Disc for personality assessments?




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