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Starting in the 1980's as a business analyst and consultant, I quickly developed a personal mission: to help people achieve their potential, which would in turn make their businesses more successful, which would in turn help them to achieve even more of their potential, and so on. The simplicity of this approach allowed me to draw solutions from diverse and unconventional areas to focus on three business/human goals:
These are the attainable goals I've helped countless clients achieve, resulting in fun, happy, connected, prosperous relationships and organizations.
Blending Process and Systems Management, with the studies of Philosophy, Psychology, the Enneagram, Coaching, Chaos Theory, and the Natural Sciences, I developed problem-solving techniques, systems, and models that have resulted in success for my clients, regardless of size or industry. |
By working with an interrelated systems approach, I've helped revolutionize business processes while helping people heal long-running conflicts that reduce their quality of life and productivity.
My work in synthesizing a system integrating the Enneagram, Integral Psychology, Spiral Dynamics and Spirituality, with many other disciplines and models of consciousness development has culminated in the founding of the Institute for Integral Enneagram Studies; dedicated to developing and providing practical processes for individuals to accelerate their own consciousness evolution.
I divide my time between writing, consulting, and speaking, and conduct seminars and workshops around the U.S. I'm also a musician, artist, and inventor, holding several patents.
"You don't have to be a cutthroat competitor to rise to the top...Ian Blei shows you how to be nice and finish first."
Editor, Women's Day Magazine
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